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Graduate programmes : an integrated master-doctorate pathway

Nantes University offers new training programmes - Graduate Programmes (GP), which are supported by research laboratories and offer an integrated master's-doctorate pathway. These research-based training programmes are proposed in each of the following Graduate Schools:
  •     Graduate School Matter, Molecules, Materials and Geosciences (3MG)
  •     Graduate School Health Sciences and Technologies
  •     Graduate School Mathematics and Information and Communication Technologies (MASTIC)
The ambition of the Graduate Programmes is to accompany students in a professionalized approach from Masters to Doctorate by strongly drawing on the expertise of internationally recognized research laboratories, as well as on international research networks. Students who wish to continue their training in doctoral studies will have the opportunity to apply for different fundings.

What's New?

Follow our events to discover about our Graduate Schools , Graduate Programmes, scholarships and mobility opportunities


Join our Webinars!

Graduate School Health Sciences and Technologies:

  • October 17 | 12 pm and 06 pm Paris time

Graduate School of Matter, Molecules, Materials and Geosciences (3MG):

  • October 19 | 12 pm and 06 pm Paris time
Register now!

Graduate School of Matter, Molecules, Materials and Geosciences (3MG)

GP Light, Molecule and Material (LUMOMAT)

Master programme | PhD programme (Available soon)

GP Earth and Planetary Science (EPS)

Master programme | PhD programme (Available soon)

GP Innovative Materials and Energy Systems (E-Mat)

Master programme | PhD programme (Available soon)

Graduate School of Health Sciences and Technologies

GP Innovation for CArdiovascular, metabolic and REspiratory diseases (InnoCARE)

Master programme | PhD programme (Available soon)

GP Immunology and Immuno-intervention (I³)

Master programme | PhD programme (Available soon)

Medicine 4R: Repair, Replace, Regenerate, Reprogramme (M4R)

Master programme | PhD programme (Available soon)

GP Oncology, hematology et nuclear medicine (OHNU)

Master programme | PhD programme (Available soon)

GP Microbiota, Gut, Brain, Food, Health (MICAS)

Master programme | PhD Programme (Available soon)

Graduate School of Mathematics, Information and Communication Technologies (MASTIC)

GP Smart Computing

Opening soon!

Highlights of our programmes

  • Training by and through research
  • The programmes are supported by exceptional and internationally recognized laboratories
  • Participation in scientific projects or interdisciplinary research projects in laboratories
  • An easy Master - Doctorate pathway
  • Personal coaching and mentoring during the study period
  • Offering a strong international outlook (hosting foreign students, opportunities for internship or study mobility), intersectoral (company speakers, case studies, etc.) and interdisciplinary (projects with students from other programs, for example)
  • Academic team consisting of experts, professors and researchers in their particular field
  • Courses will be taught in English
  • Teaching methods provide more autonomy: choice of modules, supervised projects in small groups, interdisciplinary workshops, etc.
  • A chance to experience a multi-cultures and diverse environment

How does it work and what can you do afterwards?

A student can enter a Graduate Programme either at the Master's level or at the PhD level. After the first two years, the student who has obtained the master's degree can continue to apply for a doctorate or pursue other career paths.
Approximately 30% of students who have completed the first two years of a graduate programme go on to pursue the PhD level (rate varies by Graduate Programmes)

Career opportunities with Graduate Programmes

After master level:

Each of our programmes will help you acquire various competencies in order to succeed in your career. We want to improve not only your scientific skills (observing, measuring, experimenting,..) but also your transferable skills (critical thinking, teamwork, problem solving,..). These are the skills and the practical experiences that you will gain while working with your supervisors in our laboratories.
After graduated from the programme, whether you decide to pursue your career path or continue with PhD research projects, your profile will be very interesting to companies in many industrial sectors. You can always benefit from the best advice from our academic team to build you career development plan.

After PhD level:

  • Develop a projet with a research team
  • Deepen specialized knowledge
  • Master advanced analytical techniques and tools
  • Develop teaching and project management skills


Our Graduate programmes are the selective programmes, both for entry into master's programmes or doctoral programmes

Academic requirement:

Candidates are expected to have a good academic record, an interest in scientific research and a willingness to actively engage in their study.
Our objective is to select outstanding candidates who have a good level of mind-set, reflection or experiences to be able to follow our programmes and adapt rapidly. Each graduate programme will have their own requirements. Please find more details in the specific programme above.

Language requirement:

Most of our graduate programmes will be taught in English; therefore, a good level of English will be required. Please find more details in a specific programme

Application procedure

The application procedure for master levels and doctorate levels are specified in each programme description.

For students that do not live in France, we would like to highlight some of important information:
Mis à jour le 13 February 2024.