University Library

Bibliothèque universitaire Université de Nantes par Franck Tomps

With seven locations in Nantes, Saint-Nazaire and La Roche-sur-Yon, the university library offers you multidisciplinary documentary collections, on divers supports, for courses, research, information and leisure.

Nantilus, our unique catalog

The printed and digital collections are indexed in a unique catalog, Nantilus.
You will find :
  • encyclopaedias : Encyclopaedia Universalis, Jurisclasseur (Lexis Nexis), Les Techniques de l'Ingénieur...
  • French and international newspapers
  • bibliographic and thematic databases
  • collections of electronic books
  • comic books and DVD

Our services

The library offers many services :
  • Individual study spots and working rooms for groups; with disabled access
  • Borrowing of documents and interlibrary loan of documents that don’t belong to Nantes Université
  • Information by chat and e-mail;
  • Documentary research training sessions within training programmes or BU workshops
  • Loan of computers on site, computer rooms, WIFI and copy machines
  • Documents printing with your student card
  • Support to PhD students in spreading and publishing their work 
  • Exhibitions and various cultural events (conferences, readings, workshops…)
  • Facilities for people with disabilities
Mis à jour le 01 février 2024.