International Students - Useful Information
Before leaving your home country
- General plan of studies-LMD
- Admission to Nantes Université
- A list of documents to bring
- Visa and residence permit
- Financing your studies and estimated budget
Arrival in Nantes
- Your first stop - The Guichet Unique
- Enrolling at Nantes Université
- Health coverage and health services
- Accommodation and housing aid
- University restaurants
- Opening a bank account (french version)
- Learning French at Nantes Université
- Getting around, coming to your campus
- Discover the student Intranet (french)
Extracurricular and cultural activities
- Sporting activities
- Cultural activities
- Travels (French version)
- Useful information (French version)
- Librairies
Maison des Echanges internationaux et de la Francophonie (MEIF)
Discover Nantes
Study in France
Mis à jour le 22 septembre 2023.