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The HRS4R process at Nantes Université

Nantes Université was awarded the HR Excellence in Research label in March 2022. The institution has revised its initial action plan and submitted its interim internal review for the 2022-2024 period to the European Commission.

Fully committed to the HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) process, Nantes Université is committed to improving recruitment practices and working conditions for its research personnel (lecturer-researchers, postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students and administrative staff). The HR Excellence in Research label, awarded by the European Commission, recognises and rewards institutions that undertake this process.

Françoise Le Fichant, Vice-President for Social Responsibility and Gender Equality, says "Through the gaining of this label, we can structure our human resources policy into a process of continuous improvment. Such a quality approach in the evolution of research and its environment is essential, with the support of the women and men who make it happen".

Project timeline

Key dates, past and future

Calendirer HRS4R 2024 EN
Upcoming key dates :
  • End of February 2024: Submission of the interim internal review report to the European Commission
  • April 2024: Feedback from the European Commission on the eligibility of the project.
  • July 2024: Feedback and recommendations from the European Commission on Nantes Université's HRS4R approach.

The HRS4R strategy at Nantes Université

In the certification phase of the HRS4R process, the mobilisation of the wider university community made it possible to identify four main areas in the practices of Nantes Université regarding the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Reseachers: ethics and professional orientations, recruitment practices and career development, working conditions and training, and professional development. This work led to the production of a gap analysis between these principles and the University's practices, enabling the development of Nantes Université's action plan for the 2022-2024 period.

The institution's internal review (2022-2024) covered the implementation of the initial 2022-2024 action plan and its revision for 2024-2027, as well as the development and drafting of the OTM-R policy (open, transparent and merit-based recruitment policy). This work was carried out in close collaboration with the steering committee (COPIL) and the implementation committee (COTECH) in preparation for the interim internal review.

These actions target the entire university research community, but particularly the four profiles identified by the European Commission:
  • R1 - First Stage Researcher (e.g. doctoral students)
  • R2 - Recognised Researcher (e.g. postdoctoral researchers)
  • R3 - Established Researcher (e.g. lecturer-researchers)
  • R4 - Leading Researche (e.g. university professors)
This concerns both permanent and contract employees of Nantes Université.

The Nantes Université action plan is structured around five areas of work:
  • Area 1 - Supporting the integration of researchers and young researchers
  • Area 2 - Promoting a responsible research culture
  • Area 3 - Ensuring transparency and clarity in HR practices
  • Area 4 - Recognising and valuing the diversity of career paths
  • Area 5 - Developing a facilitating and open working environment
Nantes Université is dedicated to constructing and deploying common actions with all members institutions that have also obtained the HR Excellence in Research label (Ecole Centrale de Nantes, CHU de Nantes [teaching hospital], INSERM).

Examples of implemented actions

HRS4R Graphique MEO PdA 022024 EN

N.B.: Action implementation is monitored on the basis of the revised action plan 2024-2027.

An annual report is carried out to retrace all the actions implemented by the University one year after obtaining the HR Excellence in Research label:
- Annual report 2022-2023

Area 1 - Supporting the integration of researchers and young researchers

Area 2 - Promoting a responsible research culture

Area 3 - Ensuring transparency and clarity in HR practices

Area 4 - Recognising and valuing the diversity of career paths

Area 5 - Developing a facilitating and open working environment

  • Involvment in the European project EUniWell, in partnership with six other European universities, demonstrating the institution's commitment to the theme of well-being and good working conditions
  • Share your research with open science (in french)
  • Teleworking Charter (in french)

Managing the HRS4R process

The project is managed by a steering committee and an implementation committee supporting the project team, which consists of the Vice President for Social Responsibility and Gender Equality and the HRS4R project manager.

  • The Steering Committee (COPIL) ensures the proper implementation of the project and compliance with the schedule and approves the strategic orientations of the project. List of COPIL members.

  • The Implementation Committee (COTECH), made up of management and action leaders, is responsible for the technical implementation of actions, identifies and issues alerts about any potential blockages or difficulties in the project's deployment.

The diversityof the university research community (university professors, lecturer-researchers, postdoctoral researchers, and administrative staff) is represented in the steering committee. The various disciplinary fields within the institution are also represented by the participation of the four centres of interest of Nantes Université in the steering committee (Humanities, Health, Science and Technology, and Societies).

Mis à jour le 20 February 2024.