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Fields of research

Life Sciences and Biomedical Sciences

Biology, Biotechnology, Health
  • Immunology / Oncology / Transplant
  • Cardiovascular / Nutrition / Digestive
  • Biomaterials / Osteoarticular / Dental
  • Biotherapy / Biotechnology
  • Neuroscience

Ecosystems, Recyclable Substances
  • Sea, Ecotoxicology, Drugs
  • Plant Pathogens

Letters, Languages, Human and Social Sciences

Standards, Economics, Management, Societies
  • Public law, Private Law and Maritime Law
  • Economics, Management
  • Geographic Areas and Societies

Letters, Languages and Humanities
  • Letters
  • Education, Cognition, Culture, Sport
  • History, Trade, Civilizations

Exact Sciences and Technologies

Matter, Molecules, Materials
  • Chemistry and Physics of Functional Materials
  • Molecular Chemistry and Applications
  • Nuclear Physics

STIC, Mathematics
  • Computer Science, Electronics, Telecom, Multimedia
  • Pure and Applied Mathematics
  • Scientific Computin

  • Process Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Energy Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering
  • Composites

Planets, Earth, Environment
  • Comparative Planetology
  • Geosciences, Remote Sensing, Environment

5 interdisciplinarity programs

  • Sea, Estuary, Coastline
  • Food, Nutrition, Health
  • Environment, Sustainable Development
  • Quality of Life, Wellness, Culture, Territory
  • Research involving the Arronax-Atlantic Cyclotron, Biotherapies
Mis à jour le 05 July 2019.