Cultural activities

Boost your curiosity !

Famille Cartophille
Do you want to be part of a workshop on a regular basis? The weekly workshop is made for you. Do you want to participate beside the course week? Choose the weekend training. Do you want to be part of some highlights? Participate to shared creations with invited artists on the campuses to discover contemporary creation, to live a friendly experience, … and embellish your daily life.

Experiment !

Discover original artistic events, all year long, at the Pôle étudiant, at the University Theater, in libraries and in unexpected places. The cultural programming is available on our monthly calendar or on our website.

Get involved !

  • Participate in cultural workshops with artists and get involved in student associations on campus.
  • Participate in the Turbulences Festival: every year at the beginning of April, students’ art creations are represented on the Tertre campus. Whether you are an artist or an spectator, you can participate in this festival co-organized by the TU-Nantes University Theater and the CROUS Nantes Pays de la Loire.
  • Exhibit your photographic talents at the Temps d’Exposition.
  • Contribute to the blog «The Culture and you» to give your opinion about culture at the University.

Invent !

We welcome your initiatives and projects! The university is happy to provide support.

Cultural classes and workshops

The University artistic and cultural workshops allow you to discover a new artistic activity in a friendly atmosphere.
They are open to everyone, without prerequisites nor extra fees.

  • writing, editing, poetry;
  • image, cinema,…
  • Graphic Design, Graffitti
  • Acting, dancing, singing.

Registration to cultural classes and workshops on September 26th


Contact :
More information on :

Student Center - Pôle Etudiant

Arnaud Rebotini

Concerts, exhibits, debates, movie screenings, theater…, Pôle étudiant is the hub of cultural life at Nantes Université.
It is a resource for your projects with spaces dedicated to associations: shared office space, a meeting room and workshops.
At the Pôle étudiant you will also find all the information about student life in Nantes and services to facilitate your studies. The Pôle étudiant also has a cafeteria open all day and evening.

How to go ?

Tram, line 2, stop Facultés
Bus lines 25 and 83, stop Fac de Droit

Bands who have performed here

Chloé, Arnaud Rebotini, Colin Stetson, Fuck Buttons, El-P, Mike Ladd, Sage Francis, Zombie Zombie, Radian, Beans, The Ex, Ninos Du Brazil, Speech Debelle, James Chance, K-X-P, Moon Duo, C2C, Fishback, Simian Mobile Disco, Cheveu...

Follow the Student Center events



The University Theatre (TU)

The University Theatre of Nantes, right in the heart of the university campus at Petit-Port, stages some 70 events each season as well as several workshops and courses. It is also a friendly meeting place and café between midday and 3pm (concerts, performances, exhibitions). Each year in April, the university festival gives students the opportunity to put on their own performances.

TU de Nantes - chemin de la Censive du tertre - tel.02 40 14 12 79 (tram, ligne 2, Petit-Port / Facultés).


The Choir of the Nantes Université (CUN) meets once a week for rehearsals and performs many times during the year. Memberships starts from the end of September. For further information, contact Flora Ménard

The Symphony Orchestra of the Nantes Université (OSUN), plays both classical and contemporary music. Concerts are held throughout the year. Rehearsals weekly at the University Theatre.
Information : Association Musicampus, tel. +33 (0)2 51 72 02 14

University Big Band plays jazz. Concerts are held throughout the year , usually at the university theatre. For further information : tel. +33 (0)2 51 72 10 12


International Film Festivals
Every year, many international film festivals are held at the university, in collaboration with the Katorza cinema, the International Language Centre and other cultural centres.
These festivals include German, British and Russian film festivals, a week of Arabic films, Spanish films, as well as a week of Portuguese-speaking and Italian cinema.
For further information, contact the Cultural service of the university (tel: +33 (0)2 40 35 07 31, see details p. 62) or the International Language Centre (tel. +33 (0)2 40 14 10 09)

Numerous other festivals take place during the year:

  • Les Folles Journées highlights the work of one composer for a few days in February (tel. +33 (0)2 51 88 20 00)

  • Carnavalesque night procession : end of March

  • Les Rendez-vous de l'Erdre (end of August - beginning of September) is a musical festival (tel. +33 (0)2 40 41 55 08) 

  • Le Festival des 3 continents (November -December) is an international film festival (tel. +33 (0)2 40 69 74 14)


Museum of Art (Musée des Beaux arts)
10 rue Georges Clémenceau -Tel. +33 (0)2 51 17 45 00 - Website
Wednesdays to Mondays:10am-6pm, closes at 8pm on Fridays - Reduced rate for 18-26

Museum of Natural History (Musée d'Histoire naturelle)
12 rue Voltaire-Tel. +33 (0)2 40 99 26 2 - Website
Wednesdays to Mondays:10am-6pm. Reduced rate for 18-26 (€1.60)

Castle of the duke of Brittany (Château des ducs de Bretagne)
4 place Marc Elder-Tel. +33 (0)2 51 17 49 00 - Website

Museum of printing (Musée de l'imprimerie)
24 quai de la Fosse - Tel. +33 (0)2 40 73 26 55 - Website
Mondays to Saturdays : 10am to12am / 2pm to 5.30pm


Théâtre de la Lune Vague, 62 rue Marcel Sembant, tel. +33 (0)2 40 70 33 82

Association Cassiopée, Maison du Peuple, tel. +33 (0)6 76 82 42 40
Training courses,  show production

Ecole Nationale de Musique, 24 rue du commandant Gâté, tel. +33 (0)2 40 00 79 90

Activities proposed by the University (SUAPS)
Dancing school, 100 bâtiment centre République, tel. +33 (0)2 40 22 10 90

La Roche-sur-Yon

The association "Bouge ta Fac" was created by a group of friends who wanted to improve campus life in la Courtaisière. The association organises different activities and offers benefits to students: a membership card offers you reduced rates in different shops in La Roche-sur-Yon

For further information: +33 (0)2 51 45 93 85 / You can also visit the Maison du monde et du citoyen 17 rue Roger Salengro, tel. +33 (0)2 51 47 50 00 - mail

Mis à jour le 12 octobre 2023.