Life on campus

Photo campus Université de Nantes de Franck Tomps

Office of Student Life

The Office of Student Life supports student initiatives and livens up campuses. Located in the "Pôle étudiant" right in the heart of the Tertre Campus, you will also find an information kiosk on each campus, where a student will inform you on the following services:

  • University-based services (sports, careers advice, health etc.)
  • local services and authorities (swimming pools, libraries, grants.)
  • CROUS (housing, grants, culture) 
  • cultural events in the city
  • student associations (more than 100 associations)..


Office of Student Life (Direction de la Vie Étudiante)
Pôle étudiant- Chemin de la Censive du Tertre
BP 41214 - 44312 Nantes Cedex 1
Tel. : 02 72 640 440

"Autour du monde" - Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

The association Autour du Monde-ESN Nantes helps you get settled in on your campus and in the city. Autour du Monde-ESN offers activities throughout your stay, putting you in contact with local businesses interested in your profile and getting you involved in community life :

  •  conversation groups (English/French, Spanish/French, German/French) which take place in bars in Nantes
  • outings and visits in Nantes and the surrounding area
  • Welcome parties


ESN Nantes (Erasmus Student Network) - Autour du Monde
06 76 97 40 75

There are many other associations for students. Joining is an excellent way to improve your knowledge of the French language and make friends ! Contact the Direction de la vie étudiante.

Mis à jour le 19 juillet 2019.