Healthcare and Healthcare coverage

In France, social security coverage is compulsory.

EU Nationals

If you have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) valid for the duration of your stay, you don't need to register with the health insurance scheme.
To be reimbursed you must provide:

  • a feuille de soins which you will obtain from your doctor
  • a photocopy of your European health card
  • a R.I.B (relevé d'identité bancaire)
  • a photocopy of your student card

You should send your documents to: CPAM de Loire-Atlantique - 9, rue Gaëtan-Rondeau - 44958 Nantes CEDEX 9

! If you do not have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), or if it is no longer valid, you must register with the French health insurance system.
See health insurance registration section below.

Non E.U citizens

Non E.U citizens must register for the student Social security scheme, even if they are covered by their home country's insurance.

If you are a student from Quebec

  • You are exempt from registering for French social security if you have the RAMQ form.
  • If you are not in possession of this form, you should follow the procedure for non European citizens.

Health insurance registration only concerns students of non-European nationality or who do not have their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
The website for foreign students is available in French, English and Spanish. Brochures are available in Mandarin and Arabic.

For more informations:

Reimbursement of your ur healthcare costs

  • 70% covered by social security
  • an extra health insurance called 'Mutuelle', which completes the reimbursement by covering the remaining 25% or 30%. Registering for a 'Mutuelle' is not free, this is not compulsory but highly advised especially in cases of hospitalisation.

Complémentaire Santé Solidaire - "C2S coverage": under certain conditions (modest income), you can benefit from Complémentaire Santé Solidaire. This is a free service that you can apply for via your personal Ameli account.

A health centre specially designed for students.
The student health service is open for medical appointments in general medicine, gynaecology, nutrition, preventive health check-ups, support for a disability in cooperation with the Disabilities Centre, social workers and more.
Each new student receives a check-up which is mandatory in the first year. The calendars are updated often so you can schedule an appointment.

To book an appointment:
> create your patient account with your student e-mail address
> activate your account via the e-mail you receive
> enter a cell phone number to receive SMS reminders of your appointment

The Social Health Service is located on Lombarderie campus: 110, boulevard Michelet BP 32238 - 44322 Nantes Cedex 3

Remember to bring your Vitale card when you see the doctor.
Important : If you have complementary mutual insurance, or if you are covered by your parents' insurance, remember to bring your insurance card.

Social workers for students

If you're experiencing accommodation problems or financial difficulties and would like social support, you can make an appointment with a social worker for advice, help or guidance.
Student health service social office: 02 40 37 10 99 or
CROUS social office: 02 40 37 13 39 or
For more informations:

You can choose the general practitioner of your choice. The cost of a visit to a GP covered by the Social Security system is €25. You will then be reimbursed 70% of the cost of the consultation by Social Security, and 30% by your mutual insurance company if you have one.
! If you have not declared a GP to the Assurance Maladie (you fill in and sign a form with the doctor you have chosen), Social Security will only reimburse 30% of your consultation.
You should always consult your GP before making an appointment with a specialist, to ensure that you are properly reimbursed.

Useful phone numbers

Samu (medical emergency): 15
Police: 17
Fire department: 18
Deaf or hard-of-hearing (SMS emergency): 114
European Emergency Number: 112
SOS Médecins Nantes: 02 40 50 30 30 (24/7)
SOS Médecins Saint-Nazaire: 0826 46 44 44 ou 36 24 (24/7)
Duty pharmacy: 32 37


Nantes University Hospital
Urgences 9 quai Moncousu - 44000 NANTES

Saint-Nazaire Hospital
Cité sanitaire Georges Charpak - 11 boulevard Georges Charpak - 44600 Saint-Nazaire

Vendée Department Hospital
Boulevard Stéphane Moreau - 85000 La Roche-sur-Yon
Mis à jour le 21 décembre 2023.