The Nantes Université Report and Support service against acts of violence, discrimination and moral and sexual harassment
The Nantes Université Report and Support service is available for all students and staff who have experienced or witnessed repeated, degrading, discriminating or humiliating behaviour or comments.
It is a space where people can talk about what they are going through or have seen others go through, and receive help and guidance from advisors on the different types of resources available such as psychological, welfare and medical support and how to access them.
The service also carries out preventive campaigns and steers people towards the relevant university services to ensure that the situation is being handled in accordance with the person’s wishes and in line with university guidance.
You can report such behaviour by contacting the Report and Support service (by telephone or email) and an advisor will be in touch to set up an appointment :
+33 (0)800 711 260
- You will be able to talk about things and explain what is happening with two advisors who will listen to you and produce a report which remains confidential at this stage. The service has four members of staff and they are the only people who will be able to access the report at this stage.
- The advisors can also give you information about other services offering psychological, social, medical and legal support, and put you in direct contact with the university health service.
- If you would like action to be taken to bring an end to the behaviour, you can validate the report and the information to be taken further. The report will then be passed on to the human resources and social dialogue department and senior managers: deputy director of services, director of legal affairs, legal affairs officer, and the Head of department.
- The report will then be handled and investigated by the afore-mentioned directors. Possible courses of action include administrative investigation and disciplinary hearing, feedback and re-focusing interview, warning letter, and a temporary or permanent ban on accessing the premises.
- Occupational psychologists
- Social and welfare assistant
- Manager of the Occupational environment and quality of life Centre
External information and advice
Help, advice and information is also available from:
- Le bureau d'aide aux victimes (Nantes police station)
+33 (0)2 53 46 71 56
- L'association France Victimes 44 (Nantes)
+33 (0)2 40 89 47 07
- L'association Prévenir et réparer (Saint-Nazaire)
+33 (0)2 40 01 85 85
- Citad'elles, shelter for abused women (Nantes)
+33 (0)2 40 41 51 51
- Nosig, LGBTQ+ center
- +33 (0)2 40 37 96 37
Mis à jour le 29 avril 2024.