International students: Enrolling at Nantes Université

In order to guide you through the necessary enrolment procedures, Nantes Université holds the Guichet Unique at the Maison des Échanges Internationaux et de la Francophonie, where tutors are available to help you fill out the forms and direct you to your registrar office.

Your must present the following documents during your enrolment:

  • Proof of passage at the Guichet Unique (given to you when you arrive)
  • identity card or passport
  • European health card (students from within the E-U only)

You can then enrol pedagogically within your department with the help of your departmental international relations coordinator. Exchange students must choose their lessons with the help of their Exchange Coordinator.

You must present the following documents when enrolling:

  • originals of your degree/diploma certificates
  • pre-enrolment agreement issued by Nantes Université or Campus France
  • identity card or passport

You will receive your student card when you enrol in the university. You will also be provided with an enrolment certificate.

This multiservices card will be used to pay your meals in Crous restaurants and cafeterias, to sign up for sports activities, to borrow books from university libraries. It can also be used to benefit from entrance fee reductions (shows, cinema, transport etc).

Mis à jour le 09 janvier 2024.