International students: University restaurants
The Crous has 8 restaurants in Nantes, 1 in La Roche sur Yon and 2 in Saint-Nazaire. Wherever you study, you can eat a full meal from €3.30. There are also cafeterias and Crous Trucks offering fast and varied services.
Restos U' are only open at lunchtime. Only a few cafeterias are open in the evening.
> CROUS catering map:
> For further information:
Your Pass Sup' student card also serves as a payment card with IZLY.
You need to activate your Izly online wallet to pay for your meals at the Crous via the website:
To do this, follow the instructions in the e-mail you received in your student mailbox. This email will give you your login and password, which will enable you to access the wallet from the website. If you haven't received this e-mail or have lost it, you can request a new one here.
Your card can be topped up from any computer or cell phone. If absolutely necessary, you can top up your wallet with cash at the Resto U counter.
La SurpreNantes grocery store on the Tertre campus fights against student poverty by distributing free baskets of food and hygiene products. Registration required.
Several AMAPs (a consumer network to assist small local farmers) are present on campus, creating a direct link between local producers and consumers:
- Campus Tertre
- Campus Lombarderie
- Santé
- Staps
Mis à jour le 16 janvier 2024.