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Applications for Bachelor's or Master's degrees (non-CEF procedure)

You’re living in France or abroad in a country which does not use the Campus France/CEF online procedure and you wish to study at Nantes Université (outside of an exchange programme)? Follow the procedure below :


How to apply for the first year of Bachelor's degree - DAP procedure


To study in a French university (1st year of Bachelor's degree) during the academic year 2022-2023, non-European students must proceed as follows :

  • Fill in the DAP application form  between OCTOBER 1st 2023 AND DECEMBER 15th 2023
The file must be sent in ONE PDF FILE  before 15 December 2024 and must be sent to:

  • Candidates currently living abroad : If your country does not use the Campus France CEF online procedure, you need to download an application form ('Dossier blanc') from the website of the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche.
  • Candidates currently living in France: you need to download the application form 'Dossier vert'.  The complete file in PDF format must be sent by email to International Relations office. You can make up to 3 choices. If you wish to apply for two or three different universities, please make sure to send your application to each institution.

Incomplete and/or late applications will not be taken into account.

  • Meet the following requirements :
          - you are graduated from high school or about to be, and, if necessary, you passed the exam that grant access to higher education in your home country.

          - have an average of 12/20 at the Bac, or be a high school graduitae with a grade equal to or greater than 12/20, as well as in the subjects related to the training requested ;
  • minimum level required for Nantes Université : Level 4 (B2) and 14/20 in written expression.
  • Applicants holding a DELF B2 (score 65/100) or a DALF certificate are exempted from the TCF DAP exam
  • Applicants from a country where French is the official exclusive language and applicants enrolled in a French speaking secondary school registered by the Ministère de l'Education Nationale together with the Ministère des Relations Extérieures and the Ministère chargé de la Coopération et du Développement, are also exempted.
  • - except in some cases, candidates must take the TCF DAP French language test :
The academic committee values the academic performance, the French proficiency as well as the relevance of the career plan.
ATTENTION : the following courses are closed to applicants : Health, Psychology, LEA and Sport.

IMPORTANT : International applicants are exempted from applying through the DAP procedure in the following cases:

  • Stateless individuals or political refugees who are holders of the OFPRA card (Office français Pour les Réfugiés et les Apatrides), contact the International relations office ;
  • Students who have already enrolled in Bachelor's or Master's degrees in a French University;
  • Children of diplomats posted in France and currently living in France;
  • Candidates coming from a partner university with a cooperation agreement (special procedures apply);
  • Students with a scholarship from the French government, an international organisation or a government of a foreign country and for which scholarship is handled by a recognised French organisation;
  • European Union citizens must apply between January and March 2021 following the "Parcoursup" procedure.
  • Candidates holding a French, International, European, French-German, French-Italian or a French-Spanish baccalaureate : "Parcoursup" procedure

How to apply for Bachelor's degree (Year 2 and 3) and Master's degree (Year 1) - VAEE procedure



The file must be sent in ONE PDF FILE before 31 January 2024 and must be sent to :


This procedure only applies to candidates living in France or in a country that does not use the Campus France CEF online procedure

To study in a French university during the academic year 2022-2023, foreign students must proceed as follows :

  • Sign in to our application platform « SURF ». Make sure that the programme you wish to apply for is open to VAEE, then print your application form
  • Complete you application file with all the documents listed here. INCOMPLETE FILES WILL NOT BE EXAMINED.
French proficiency : The TCF (Test de Connaissance de Français) certificate is compulsory to enroll on Bachelor's and Master's courses. More information on the TCF.
  • Meet the following requirements :
          - you are graduated from high school or about to be, and, if necessary, you passed the exam that grant access to higher education in your home country.

          - have an average of 12/20 at the Bac, or be a high school graduitae with a grade equal to or greater than 12/20, as well as in the subjects related to the training requested.

- Minimum level required for Nantes Université : Level 4 (B2) and 14/20 in written expression.
- A list of the recognized examination centres is available on France Education International website.
- Candidates should contact their examination centre as soon as possible in order to know the dates and conditions to take the test.
- The TCF must include the compulsory tests as well as an additional test of written expression
- In absence of a TCF certificate or of the additional test of written expression, the application will not be handled by the Departmental Teacher Committee.
- Applicants holding a DELF B2 or a DALF certificate are exempted from the TCF exam as well as applicants from a country where French is the official exclusive language


How to apply for the second year of Master's degree - VAEE procedure



The file must be sent in ONE PDF FILE, before 31 January 2024

This procedure only applies to candidates living in France or in a country that does not use the Campus France CEF online procedure.

To study in a French university during the academic year 2022-2023, foreign students must proceed as follows :

  • Sign in to our application platform « SURF ». Make sure that the programme you wish to apply for is open to VAEE, then print your application form
  • Complete you application file with all the documents listed in appendix. INCOMPLETE FILES WILL NOT BE EXAMINED.

The academic committee values the academic performance, the French proficiency and the relevance of the career plan.

French proficiency :

The TCF (Test de Connaissance de Français) certificate is compulsory to enroll on Bachelor's and Master's courses. More information on the TCF.

Meet the following requirements :

          - you are graduated from high school or about to be, and, if necessary, you passed the exam that grant access to higher education in your home country.

          - have an average of 12/20 at the Bac, or be a high school graduitae with a grade equal to or greater than 12/20, as well as in the subjects related to the training requested ;

- Minimum level required for Nantes Université : Level 4 (B2) and 14/20 in written expression.
- A list of the recognized examination centres is available on France Education International website.
- Candidates should contact their examination centre as soon as possible in order to know the dates and conditions to take the test.
- The TCF must include the compulsory tests as well as an additional test of written expression
- In absence of a TCF certificate or of the additional test of written expression, the application will not be handled by the Departmental Teacher Committee.
- Applicants holding a DELF B2 or a DALF certificate are exempted from the TCF exam as well as applicants from a country where French is the official exclusive language


Important information for Syrian residents

The CampusFrance office in Syria is closed due to current events.
The CEF procedure is temporarily suspended in Syria.

Candidates living in Syria may submit a 'Dossier blanc' DAP application form to the university of their first choice without going through the French embassy.

Download the required application.
Candidates have to contact a French embassy in Jordan, Lebanon or Turkey to sign up for the French language test - T.C.F.-DAP.

Espace Campus France de Beyrouth
Ambassade de France à Beyrouth - SCAC
Rue de Damas
Espace des Lettres Ras El-Nabaa
Campus France Beyrouth

Espace Campus France d'Istanbul
Consulat Général de France à Istanbul
Institut Français d'Istanbul / CampusFrance
Istiklal Caddesi N°4 - 34435 Taksim
Campus France Istanbul

Espace Campus France d'Amman
Ambassade de France à Amman
P.O. Box 5348
Campus France Amman

Espace Campus France d'Ankara
Ankara Campus France Merkezi
7. Cadde No:9/7 Bahçelievler
Campus France Ankara

A diploma can be considered as valid by some establishments but not by others.  The response to each application is taken directly by the President of the University, after being pre-approved by the Departmental Teacher Committees (who base their opinions on the compatibility of your qualifications with the requested field and level of study). Your language skills will also be taken into consideration.
Mis à jour le 08 January 2024.